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Setting Science-Based Targets: A Challenge for Brands in Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions


Cleanchain’s GHG module offers a comprehensive solution to help organizations effectively track and manage their emissions across their supply chain. 

In the global push to combat climate change, many brands set science-based targets to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across their direct operations and supply chains. These ambitious targets are essential for aligning business practices with the Paris Agreement’s goals to limit global warming. However, setting targets is just the beginning. Without concrete evidence of progress, brands risk falling short of their commitments, impacting their credibility and the broader fight against climate change. 

Science-based targets (SBTs) are defined goals for reducing GHG emissions that are in line with what the latest climate science deems necessary to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement. These targets provide a clear and measurable pathway for companies to follow, ensuring their efforts contribute meaningfully to global climate action. 

For many brands, setting SBTs is a significant step towards sustainability. It demonstrates a commitment to environmental responsibility and can enhance brand reputation, investor confidence, and customer loyalty. However, achieving these targets requires rigorous action and transparent reporting. 

 Despite the initial enthusiasm, there is often a gap between setting SBTs and achieving them. Some brands struggle to provide evidence that they are on track to meet their targets. This discrepancy can arise from several factors: 

Complex Supply Chains: Many brands operate complex and global supply chains, making it challenging to gather accurate and comprehensive emissions data. Without this data, it’s difficult to measure progress or identify areas for improvement. 

Lack of Accountability: Setting targets without a robust accountability framework can lead to inaction. Brands need clear governance structures and regular reporting mechanisms to ensure they stay on track. 

Technological Constraints: Implementing GHG reduction initiatives often requires new technologies and processes. Brands may lack access to the necessary technologies to make meaningful progress. 

Inconsistent Standards: Variability in standards and methodologies for measuring and reporting emissions can lead to inconsistent data, making it hard to track progress accurately. 

Brands must embrace transparency, accountability, and continuous improvement to ensure they are not only setting ambitious targets but also making tangible strides towards achieving them.  

Managing Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Cleanchain’s GHG Module 

Cleanchain’s GHG module offers a comprehensive solution to help organizations effectively track and manage their emissions across their supply chain. 

Key Features of the GHG Module: 

  1. Track and Monitor Against Multiple Standards:

Cleanchain enables brands to track and monitor their GHG emissions against various conventional parameters and industry standards. This feature allows businesses to stay compliant and transparent with regulatory requirements and sustainability goals. 

  1. Upload GHG Emissions Reports:

Simplifying the reporting process, Cleanchain allows users to easily upload their GHG emissions reports. This functionality streamlines data collection and ensures accuracy in reporting, facilitating better decision-making and accountability. 

  1. Multi-Site Monitoring:

This feature provides a unified platform to oversee emissions data from various facilities, enhancing centralized management and strategic planning. 

  1. Performance Visualization with Dashboards and Reports:

These tools enable stakeholders to gain insights into emission trends, identify areas for improvement, and showcase achievements in sustainability efforts. 

For a demo contact us 


author image
Flemming Laursen, Head of Sales, CleanChain

Flemming Laursen, is an expert in the maximization of profit for companies through the use of ESG tools, data technology and impact sourcing. He was an entrepreneur and worked as director of sales for multiple businesses prior to joining ADEC Innovations.

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