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Get personalized support on everything from reporting indices to CSR development.

Supporting the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:
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How can I use on-demand ESG services?

Additional CDP Support

Craft responses for questions, quality check your GHG calculations, get additional reviews and more.

ESG/Sustainability Reporting

Get support for other frameworks, such as EcoVadis, ISS, MSCI, SASB, TCFD, GRI, Sustainalytics and more.


Benchmark your ESG Program including reporting, targets, policies and actions against other companies in your industry.

Stakeholder Messaging

Develop messaging for stakeholders about your ESG Program and its progress while using ESG to differentiate your business in the marketplace.

ESG Strategy Support and Workshops

Work with your executive team to strategize, develop and prioritize ESG policies, programs and actions.

Data Management

Collect and manage data sets for ESG metrics, GHG inventories and KPIs.

Supply Chain Engagement/Management

Leverage software, training, and trusted policies for procurement practices and supply chain management.

Choose ESG services that help you reach your goals

Choose ESG services that help you reach your goals image

Choose ESG services that help you reach your goals

Given the evolving and dynamic ESG landscape, companies need flexible support for ad hoc tasks, research projects and as-needed expertise. Such collaborative, creative and fast-paced development is aligned with ADEC’s structure of subject matter experts, data management and software departments.

More at ADEC ESG

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