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Action Module

All the tools you need to create assessments, distribute them to your suppliers, strategize based on responses and take action accordingly.

Corrective Action Plans for a More Sustainable Future

Improve ESG and risk transparency across your supply chain and build a robust, action-oriented plan for both long-term oversight and incremental improvements.

Supporting the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:

Supply Chain Assessment Process

Building a Comprehensive Action Plan

Providing you with a central solution to engage with suppliers and gain greater visibility and insight throughout your supply chain. Here are advantages to automating your self-assessment and scoring processes:

  • Communicate your internal and external goals with all stakeholders
  • Incorporate your KPIs into assessments and achieve greater sustainability
  • Rely on experts for greater insights
  • Monitor the progress of your value chain’s commitments
  • Simplify reporting
  • Take action based on up-to-date supplier information

Ultimately, you can track your progress against broader sustainability metrics, such as chemical usage, wastewater emissions and regulatory compliance.

Other CleanChain Modules

Chemical Module
Manage supply chain chemical inventories + improve compliance and achieve sustainability goals
Wastewater Module
Benchmark against wastewater standards, including the latest ZDHC guidelines.
Compliance Module
The world of compliance is continually evolving. The Compliance Module can help you stay ahead
Wastewater Testing Thumbnail
Wastewater Testing
Designed specifically for the textile and fashion industry in collaboration with UL Solutions.

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