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Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG)

Monitor, manage, and report on environmental data and manage implementation of new sustainability program.


Perform an independent verification of its GHG Emissions Inventory for all Scope 1, 2, and 3 emission sources.

Asian Development Bank – ADEC Knowledge Management

Enhance effectiveness of virtual and face-to-face learning opportunities, foster extensive knowledge sharing and dialogues with experts and fellow policy makers and practitioners, and create participation in a virtual community of leaders.

U.S. Army Reserve Center Redeveloper – Cameron Cole

Redevelop a former Army Reserve Center into a community park.

Title Insurance Provider – Amdatex

Ensure high quality, cost-effective processing of title searches and production of title reports.

Specialty Chemicals Company

Enhance overall ESG programs through ESG reporting and disclosure support, GHG inventory services and other data tracking, water risk assessments, policy development, science-based target setting, and more.